Sunday, December 2, 2007

Happy Feet surprisingly mean….

I have a lot mixed feelings with this movie. I guess why I didn’t such a problem with it before because I though it was a cute concept with the penguins. Also because it was the first movie Brittany, my girlfriend, and I saw together. But then when I actually sat down and watched the movie and just thought the Hispanic penguins were a little two Hispanic. Like they were pushing the envelope with that, but being that it was a children’s movie I don’t think to many people caught it. I feel like the movie industry thinks that it’s ok to make fun of certain races. I mean Robin Williams was the voice of the Hispanic penguins named Ramón. Now I love Robin Williams, He is such a great actor. I actually think that he did a great job playing this Hispanic penguin. But this is not the first movie that portrays minorities in cartoon movie. Like In shark Tales that stars Will Smith. There are two jelly fish represent to Rastafarian Caribbean characters most likely from Jamaica or Trinidad. Although it may be funny and cute to see in cartoon movies but doesn’t make necessary makes it right. Just remember kids absorb things like no one else and they may be young but they pick things up and I believe that whatever they see in the movies is correct. I Know I was allover with my opinions but to say where I stand is I loved the movie Happy Feet. But I think that Hollywood should just think twice the misconceptions from certain ethnic groups. Like I said before, It maybe cute but it doesn’t make it right.

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