I haven’t been home for almost 2 months and I got to say I missed Brooklyn. It was weird because when I went back home Thursday, I went to see my mother at her job. It was her birthday so I decided to surprise her because I told her that I wasn’t going to be home until Christmas. And I was enjoying the walk getting there. The smell of real Italian Pizza, and the bakery and just the smell that Brooklyn has it self, I notice a big difference right away. But it only got better. After I saw my mother at her school job, it was still early and I went into Manhattan to go see my sister at her job. And I was so happy to see the people on the train. Just seeing the quite old man, the ignorant and load Jr. High school kids that get out at that time of the day. The immigrant workers that are traveling from one side of the city to another for their jobs (don’t ask how I know that) and last but not least the interracial couples that disgust old fashion people. I was so happy being able to take the D train and observing and realized right than and their how much I love this city and Because Of the way it is I truly can’t say I would rather be anywhere else in the world. Even though you don’t think it no matter where you are in NYC, you end up seeing different things. And that’s apart of the great experience that this place really brings. I love New York and I would trade for the world. Well continuing the story I Went to 14th street and 8 Av where she works and just saw all the different people that her job alone brings. My sister works for a clinic in the village. In this clinic there a lot of Homosexuals and people who where one thing and now are something else. What I mean by that is at one point someone was a woman and decided they wanted to be a man and became that man. It hard to believe but I saw it when my own eyes and as freaky as it sounds, no matter what they are people and I was able to meet them and the are the most nicest group of people and my sister tells me that its always something new. Her job brings something new everyday and is never a dull day; I take her word for it. But I guess the point I was trying to make that In New York is a place where you expect the unexpected. You Got to love it, I know I do.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
When Will I drive again?
According to my parents, I am not going to be able to drive until February. My father told me that by than he would have changed his insurance company, and then that is the only time when I can go for my license. This sucks because I can’t wait and I want to be able to drive. I feel so stuck in Staten Island. Not that it’s a bad place. But I am use to living in Brooklyn and driving all over Brooklyn, Maryland, New Jersey, Philly, and Florida. I use to drive my mother everywhere and I didn’t have a problem because I love driving. But also I knew that the car was mine after I was done driving her around. I have a trip coming up in April and hopefully I will be able to drive on that trip with my brothers. Also when I had a car I was able to go out and leave this hill. But for now I have to find way a round. My roommate is usually nice and we go around but I don’t know anymore. But I also wonder how I am going to be behind the wheel. I did into a car accident and yeah I am over it but its going to be a while until I start driving. I don’t know, I feel a little scared to get back into it. But we will see I guess. I got a lot of thinking and revaluating to do.
Posted by
Eddie B.
12:15 PM
Broke, No Job
It sucks not having a job; I need some sort of income. I mean I do have money in my account. But I worked so hard to build it up and I don’t want it decreasing. I am not cheap but I just want so money on the side so that money that I have in the banks can be use when I really needed, in case of an emergency, you know something to lean on. I apply around the area and even in Brooklyn and no luck. Wow I don’t what I am going to do. This isn’t even a journal entry or a blog. This is my own why for pleading for help. I need to be able to support myself. But I don’t where to start. Another fact is not having a car anymore, I know that there’s public transportation. But I am not a Staten Local. I know I should take the time to learn but I just don’t. I guess I can’t get help if I don’t help myself. …
Posted by
Eddie B.
12:05 PM
Happy Feet surprisingly mean….
I have a lot mixed feelings with this movie. I guess why I didn’t such a problem with it before because I though it was a cute concept with the penguins. Also because it was the first movie Brittany, my girlfriend, and I saw together. But then when I actually sat down and watched the movie and just thought the Hispanic penguins were a little two Hispanic. Like they were pushing the envelope with that, but being that it was a children’s movie I don’t think to many people caught it. I feel like the movie industry thinks that it’s ok to make fun of certain races. I mean Robin Williams was the voice of the Hispanic penguins named Ramón. Now I love Robin Williams, He is such a great actor. I actually think that he did a great job playing this Hispanic penguin. But this is not the first movie that portrays minorities in cartoon movie. Like In shark Tales that stars Will Smith. There are two jelly fish represent to Rastafarian Caribbean characters most likely from Jamaica or Trinidad. Although it may be funny and cute to see in cartoon movies but doesn’t make necessary makes it right. Just remember kids absorb things like no one else and they may be young but they pick things up and I believe that whatever they see in the movies is correct. I Know I was allover with my opinions but to say where I stand is I loved the movie Happy Feet. But I think that Hollywood should just think twice the misconceptions from certain ethnic groups. Like I said before, It maybe cute but it doesn’t make it right.
Posted by
Eddie B.
11:27 AM
2-0 Broadway...
I was supposed to write this blog a while ago, but I finally have the chance to write it. So the reason for why I am 2-0 with Broadway is because I was scheduled to go see Spamalot. But sadly I didn’t get to see it because there was so payment issue with the school. That’s understandable but the thing is that I was looking forward to Avenue Q. But than the Broadway Strike Happened, I felt like I couldn’t catch a brake. I mean I am happy that the strike is over and I can go watch the shows but when you stop and think about it, this situation really gives you a chance to really appreciate Broadway. That’s one of the things that make New York special. For this strike New York (economically) took a hit of 38 million in losses due to this strike. But you know what the shows that the people that work on these plays and shows truly pour out their soul when they perform because I love it and I just can’t get enough. I can’t wait to go back. You hear me Ave Q! I can’t wait to go and see you!
Posted by
Eddie B.
11:14 AM
Discover New York Labs
I am very upset with the discover New York Labs. I didn’t like any of them. I felt that they were irrelevant and unnecessary to the class of Discover New York. I don’t understand why we even need them in the first place. Alcohol Edu is something that is informative but yet isn’t effective at all. People still drink when they go to a party that is even the reason why people go in the first place, but that neither here nor there. I just felt that these labs or online course aren’t helpful at all. Another thing that bother me was the fact that the class took place during common of hour which is time where could have been used for something else like sleep or homework time. This shouldn’t be apart of another course and not Discover New York. In a way it takes away from all the fun and idea of the class. I like the class the way its, it would have been a little better without the side tracks of the labs and the online course. I don’t know though, maybe I am the only one that feels like this but all I can do is just write my ideas in the place I call my own, my blog.
Posted by
Eddie B.
11:03 AM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Fordham Women's Basketball Game against Marist....
All I Have to Say Is that I love my Roommate/ Fraternity brother Andy, Because he dragged to a Fordham University women’s basketball game. The reason why we even went to the game was for his girlfriend. She is a cheerleader for the school and we mainly came to see her. But she didn’t do much so we ended up just watching the entire game. I was dying, in the sense of boredom. You would think that a women’s basketball game would be great because all the good looking chicks running around for 40 minutes. Instead the girls really weren’t that good looking and these girls did not deserve to play basketball. And wasn’t just Fordham’s team, it was Marist’s team as well. One thing that did make the game better was all the fouls and hits these girls took that night. So many girls fell and were extremely funny. I though the game was actually going to go for 4 quarters, But instead it only went for two, but at the end of the night we went back home and laughed of all the things we saw. Overall it was a good night
Posted by
Eddie B.
8:11 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My Apartment
For Some Reason My friends have taken my apartment as their second home. Every night there are always squatters that stay and sleep over, eat my food and dirty my apartment. People don’t wash dishes and stink up my bathroom. I think it’s funny how they find some sort of sanctuary in my apartment. Some times I end up just going to my girlfriend’s apartment. I don’t know anymore, it’s gotten to the point where people are sleeping on the floors in my room to the couch in the living room. I am not a mean person to the point where I want to kick them out. But the things that bother me are that they don’t pick up after themselves. But hey Like what people say, “Que Sera, Sera….
Posted by
Eddie B.
6:30 PM
1 Year Anniversary
It’s amazing how time can go fast when you don’t want it and when you want it to go fast it goes at a sluggish pace. Well Today Is November 15, 2007 and it is officially been a year with my lovely girlfriend Brittany. And Even though It has literary been a year It feels a lot longer. But not in a bad way, it feels like we’ve been together for at least 3 or 4 years. And I got to say I am so happy. We are both mature and we have lasted a year with out braking up or fighting. Whenever there is an issue we just talk it out like normal people. We don’t stoop down to childish tactic and all we do is have fun. I love her with all my heart and I know that she loves me more than anything in the world. I can only hope that it stays like that and if not her love for me increase for the better. It Feel Like yesterday we went to Rockefeller center for the Christmas tree lighting as friends, sitting down at Fridays and having dinner and having her confess her feelings for me. From that moment on I knew things were going to change. We left the tree lighting event and walked on 42nd street to the movie theater and purchased two tickets to see Happy Feet. And we didn’t pay attention to the movie at all. As the night came to a close all I can remember is the big kool-aid smile I had on my way home. A year later Here I am with My Boo Boo and going to one of the best university in the world, St. Johns. I can’t Wait to see what happens next.
Posted by
Eddie B.
5:16 PM
Brotherhood....Newest Members Of Alpha Phi Delta
All I have to say is WOW. Pledging for a Fraternity is amazing. I have learned so much about the people who believed in brotherhood as much as we all do. At first I just wanted to join cause that’s the choice me and my roommate Andy and I decided on. But as time progressed I learned and found out new things. I learned that two of my cousins from my mother side, Alex and Ariel both are brothers from the Seton Hall Chapter. So you can imagine how happy and how proud they were finding out that I may be their future brother. Another thing I learned was the people in this campus chapter and how cool and supportive all the brothers were. I also learned so much from my pledge class and even though we got sick of each other we learned to put our differences aside and work together and accomplish all our assignments. I am Happy to say that I became a brother on Nov. 9th. Ever sine than things have gone incredibly and I just can’t wait until I see my cousin at thanks giving just to hear what crazy and exciting stories they are going to tell me about the Alpha Phi Delta days at Seton Hall. My Cousin Alex’s son Aiden Is only six months old And he told me that it is my job to show the benefits that a National Fraternity has to offer and make him want to be a brother. He wants me to personally talk to Aiden when he is ready which isn’t for another 18 years for that though….can‘t wait.
Posted by
Eddie B.
4:58 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Laser Tag With Mi Amigos
This Sunday That just passed was a boring day. There was absolutley nothing to do after the breast cancer walk. All I did was go home and sleep on my couch when I was done. My friend Manny Calls me and asks me whether or not I am going to the laser tag event at 7:00 with the courtyard. Anyone who lives on campus was welcomed to go. So I went. We played three rounds. The first round was exciting. It involved two teams. The red team and the blue team. As the first round begains They play the soundtrack of All the Horror Movies. and My friend Pete and I were hiding behind the wall and we were "Snipers" and as I pull away to tell Pete something I guy in a mask goes in front of my and I scream, Flip tover to the floor and head to the exit. End of story. The other two rounds my team one. But the first round of laser tag was one I will never forget.
Posted by
Eddie B.
12:30 PM
Home Sick
It's funny how I only live right across the bridge, in brooklyn, yet I haven't been home in about a month. Last night I was watching T.V., Fliping through the channels until I saw a show they were giving on the the CW (Channel 11) It was the show "Smallville" which is about clark kents years as a teen and how becomes superman. This was a show that me and my sister always watched together. And no matter what we were doing at 7:55 we would get in front of the T.V. and wait until the show would start. This little ritual so to speak was what triggered me being home sick. I started to miss my house and the people it involves. I started to miss my mother. I miss her home cook meals, and all the repeatative questions she would ask like " how was your day? or How was School?" She would ask this question at least ten times a day. Or how my father would act when he would see me. He would come home at 8 or 9 o clock. Looks at me and says how was your day. He would also said things like how are the girlfirends? Than once he gets settled and sits down in the livving room to watch T.V. I would always join Him. Once I sit we always speak about school, the news, life, love life, cars and friends. He truly is my best friend. the one thing that I miss the most is the sarcastic and childish jokes he would make. things like When I Say " You Lie" (which I say really fast and sounds like I'm saying July) He says "no August" LOL, See I told you it was corny and childish. All I know is that I miss My family and the home they created for my sister and I.
Posted by
Eddie B.
12:13 PM
License, No More...
On October 17th was such a sad day for me. For get the fact the Encounter death on more than one occasion, But Today was the day that I had to surrender my license to the Department of Motor Vehicle. The reason for me submitting my license is because of my father. Being that the first car accident that was in on Oct, 1st was my fault and my first real accident, in order for my father to decrease its car insurance payment (because it increased by $500) I had to surrender my license and not be able to drive. I’ve been driving for three years but I feel powerless now that I don’t have a license anymore. I know its only for like a couple of months but I still want to be able to know that I can drive anyone if they are in need of a driver. I know I am not a expert but I still believe that I am a decent driver. I’ve driven to so many places within the three years I’ve been driving. I’ve driven to Florida, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North and South Carolina, Delaware, Virginia and Georgia. All I know is that I miss my License So much and I can’t wait to be on the road again.
Posted by
Eddie B.
11:30 AM
Car Accident #2
I don’t know whether or not my luck ran out for a minute or making a bad judgment call on my instincts was the worst thing to do. All I know is that when you get a into a car accident that is 2 weeks apart from another car accident my personal way of thinking changes completely. Also its one thing for you to be in an accident and be understanding of what happen especially when you were in control, but when you’re the passenger all you can do is gasp for air and just see the outcome. It was a rainy Thursday, at 8:30. My friends and I went in two cars. In one car it was my friends Anthony, Vinny, Corrie and frank. And in the other car it was me, Andy and Daquan. We were on the New Jersey turnpike heading south to Philadelphia. The weather was horrific. It was raining so much that the visibility of the road was hard to see. My friend Andy was driving, and as we were approaching the Number 5 exit of the Turnpike, all of a sudden as we change into the third lane and as we progress for about five miles, Andy lost control and we smashed in to the divider. At first we swerved and the front of his truck got destroyed and as we were swerving the back of the truck scrapped along the divider and we came to a complete stop.
I had nothing to say and I had no idea what happening until we came to the stop. It’s a very scary thing to not be in control to something that could have been prevented or being able to handle the situation a little better than with what really happened. I just glad that everything turned out ok. We didn’t get back to campus until 10:30 in the morning the next day. I just glad no one got hurt and we were all ok. All I know is that for now on, I am going to listen to my instincts no matter what.
Posted by
Eddie B.
10:27 AM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Que Es Un "Memoir"
The official deffinition of a memoir is a written work that recollects something important about the author's life. funny thing about this is that its not really like an autobiography. The difference between both are as follows:
-An autobiography is detail of a person's life from beginning to end.
-A memoir are just speciefic details of one life. Memoirs are written to capture significant moments in the writer's past experiences.
I haven't read any recent memiors but I feel that maybe there will be some good ones that I Can enjoy. I guess in a way our first assignment in class was like a memoir. we were able to recollect information about our favorite place. maybe, maybe not.
Posted by
Eddie B.
8:44 AM
Monday October 1st, 2007
Monday October 1st, 2007 was the day that I made a mistake. I don’t remember what I was thinking. All I Remember hearing my friend’s voice saying “Eddie!” Than I just came back to reality and hit the car in front of me. I didn’t know what I was going to do. But of course I did the right thing, we exchange information and we waited for the proper authorities. I told them what happened and now its waiting game in regards to insurance payments. Also I feel the need of getting a job and trying to fix the problem so I can at least show my parents that I’m responsible. But I have about 3 months to save up the money to fix that car and at least show that I can do it. I don’t know though. My parents are very disappointed in me and I don’t feel too comfortable with that idea. I know that the still love me and love the fact that I’m ok. But I’m never going to hear the end of this. I am trying so hard. So hopefully things work out.
Posted by
Eddie B.
8:13 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
First In Class Essay
In my opinion, I believe that places have plenty of things that not only influence us but truly shape us to who we are today. For example I grew up In Brooklyn. Bensonhurst to be exact and the majority of people in my neighborhood is older Italian and Asian people. My family is probably the only dark person in that my neighborhood.
And I can honestly say that I act like where I come from. I am respectful, Quiet and definitely old fashion. I don’t have the tendency to do bad Things. I don’t feel the need to act like a “thug” Nor feel the need to rob someone just cause “I Need to Survive”. Thankfully I had everything I Need and I am grateful for everyday. I Respect my parents and appreciate the things they needed to sacrifice for me in order for me to have a better life than them. This means that I have to do my part by working hard for them but most importantly for me. So I can raise my children right someday. That is the only and best way I can thank and repay my parents. Plus help my father pay for his Mercedes Benz when I work full time. But all joking aside, not all environments are as positive as mine.
Sadly I have relatives’ In Washington Heights, Manhattan. Now it’s not the worst neighborhood in the world but it’s definitely not the best place to raise your family right. My cousin spent all there time with there drunk parents and just stay there from morning to night. It’s sad because while there doing their stupidity my cousins are just observing all that negativity. They were born there and they are going to die there. Luckily my parents took me out of that environment and to be honest with you, I was better for it. My All my cousin now older have already started there families but yet the all live there and are doing the same thing there parents did. Now there children are going to follow the same route as they did. Now I honestly believe that if they would have grown up in another area, a calmer environment than maybe things would have been different.
Now I’m not saying everyone is a true product of their environment. Like there are certain people that do want to get out from where ever it is the want to leave. But the majorities of people are ignorant and really think that they are living when really there so much more beyond those invisivble walls that seem to be trapped behind of.
Posted by
Eddie B.
8:33 AM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Is Home Really That Sweet?
It’s a beautiful feeling when you go to the one place where no matter what time it is, you know that you’re welcome. The place where your five senses are extremely sensitive and all the sensation that this place brings automatically indicate where you are. It felt good going back home today. The smell and the taste of my mother’s cooking, the smooth feeling of my living room couch, the sound of my father watching soccer on TV., and the beautiful sight of my room. Although I did my usual routine when I got there, I found myself looking at everything so closely today. Just how my house has changed in a matter of weeks, but this isn’t a bad thing. Change is good for anything or anyone. But for some reason I found myself looking back to the past. How I felt the first time I moved in to my house. Just thinking about all the years I’ve spent in this house, how my room use to be, how my brother liked certain things in a certain way, and how I would always have to help my mother with everything, which now when I come to think about it brings a smile to my face, just knowing that my mother still depends on me for certain things. “Throw out the garbage” and yet without hesitation I have no problem doing it. Before I would get annoyed doing whatever she asked me to do, but somehow it feels like an honor doing my old jobs. She walks up to me and says “I miss all the noise you use to make, but now it’s so quiet that I make my own noise”. This is cute in a way unless it’s a cry for help (just kidding).
I stood in my room for about an hour and I couldn’t stop looking at my bunk bed where I have a lot of memories. Now don’t get the wrong idea for those who have naughty thoughts. It was just a place where I use to make my fort, the place where no girls were allowed. The place where I would hangout with my brother and we would both sit on the bed while we would play “Crash Bandicoot” On Playstation, until 3 in the morning. My Brother was a great guy. To be quite honest with you, this is the first thing that I think about once I step into my room. There are times when I feel like so much was taken away from me in regards of time but “everything happens for a reason” right? I’ve learned to accept things for the way things are. Overall things are fine, I mean I am living a good life so far but that was the only thing that was taken away from me. If I only had more time, there were so many things that need to ask him, help with and guidance. But the longer I sat in our room the more I realize how I’m becoming more like him. His thoughts, his laughter, his reflexes, his emotions, I am like him so much that it even gets to the point where when I wear a cap a certain way that my mother say “Michael”, do you want to go to the store with me”, takes a second look a realizes that I’m her third child. But I’m not bothered by it. I can still feel the love that she has for him and just being referred to as him is just something that makes me proud to have had a brother like him.
I love my brother, and it just amazes me how I’m become more like him each and everyday. He lives through me and its great knowing that no matter what, he is always looking over me. “Thanks Michael, and don’t stop doing what you do bro, I Miss you. We all do.”
Posted by
Eddie B.
8:44 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
West Vs. Cent
I don’t know if anyone is interested in this bit of news, but I am proud to announce that Kanye West’s “Graduation” Album has out sold 50 Cent “Curtis” Album. And let me just say that I am so happy. Up to this day I haven’t stop listening to the “Graduation” album. Kanye West releases a number of 3 albums and let me say it as good as the other two. 50 Cent, although his first album was pretty good, his skills and attitude towards making music sort of decreased in my eyes and am really disappointed. I am not a fan of his music anymore. There certain songs I can stomach but as far quality is concerned not his best work. This new Kanye album is very easy to listen, he produce most of his album and each song creates a flow that just makes it seem and if its one big song. I am mostly excited for seeing what he can come out with next. Hopefully he can step up his “skills” in order to come out with the something a little better than the “Curtis” album.
Posted by
Eddie B.
2:22 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
It is a scary thing not noing where you are, Where you stand? How well your really doing? Will you accomplish all your goals? And last but not least, will I get back on track? Of course these aren't all the questions but these are just an example of what I am facing. Sadly enough I Really can't say my current problem do to the fact some of the activites that I am involved with can not be discussed with anyone. However, the things I can discuss are my academics. Although it feels that I am doing the same things in some of classes, still some sort of progress has to be made. which means if there is a part of me that is not doing the best that I can than everyday I decrease as the semester ends. But how do I find out and must importanly, how do I fix it. maybe I am just paranoid. Maybe I just get so trapped in to a corner that I don't know how to push myself out of it. Asking is the easiest way. But how do i fix it is difficult to day. Maybe I just have to suck it up In order to progress. So starting tommorrow i will ask all my teachers what i must do in order to redeem myself If I am not performing to the best of my abilibtie. All I have to Do Is Be Brave...
Posted by
Eddie B.
12:36 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
It Begins...
Today was a very intresting day. Today I Went with my lovely girlfriend to my cousin Alex's house. The main reason for this visit was to see my little baby cousin Aiden. He is five months old. He is the most adorble thing you have ever seen. This is my cousin's first child. Baby Aiden is such a playful and funny baby, filled with love and joy. I was playing with all morning and my girlfriend helped my cousin put the baby to sleep. I was actually amazed to see that she was able to take care of Aiden like that. Not that she is not capable of doing so, its just that it amazed me just to see her motherly instincts in action. She looked at me with such a puzzled look but no words could have describe how incredible she really is. It was such a picture perfect moment when She was holding Aiden in her arms. The picture will be up soon, that you will be able to see what I was talking about. Well that was pretty much my sunday spent. The only thing I did after was go to the final bid for the fraternity I am pledging to, but i feel like I've said to much and really comment anymore on that. The only thing I could say that pledging offically starts tommorrow for me and my roommates. hopefully things will go well and I will keep you posted on any updates on that topic. "Take care and Good Night!"
Posted by
Eddie B.
10:57 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Why I Write
People all over the world have there own reasons for writing; whether they write as an occupation or for the simple pleasures of getting one’s state of mind on paper, as far as I’m concerned, I am one of those people who likes to express themselves on some sort of concrete form such as a journal.
I Enjoyed writing in a journal because it gave me a chance to view and analyze what my emotions and thoughts were on certain days. I remember one of my reasons for starting a journal was simply because of a T.V. Show that I use to watch when I was younger. The Name of the show was “Doug”. Everyday Doug would go on adventures that would involve his friends while being able to gain new experiences. At the end of his day he would sit down in his room and start to write by starting of with “Dear Journal” and write about his day. From that day on I would write in a journal about how my days where and how I felt about certain people.
I also like to write about topics that I know of, something that I can relate to, because when I get my hands on something like that I just get carried away and just keep on writing until my mind’s fuel goes empty. I remember when I was in the 10th grade when my teacher Mr. Dunn gave my class the assignment of writing and autobiography. The first day that I got this assignment I started as soon as could. I became so carried away with my thoughts that, when I was done writing I wrote about 15 pages worth of material. Looking back on this, pages 5-7 were about my feeling and thoughts towards my brother’s battle with cancer. I just couldn’t find any other way of expressing this part of my life that I realized once I started writing about it, I spilled my heart and soul on those pages that when my teacher was done reading it, nothing but tears came out his eyes as well as an A++ for a grade. I Enjoy writing and I just hope that I can continue expressing myself and learn more from my mistakes as well as improve my writing style. It is very important to me that I perfect the art of expressing words of my own into a manner that not only is clear but professionally too. I can’t wait until I can improve my skills and become a better writer.
Posted by
Eddie B.
9:17 PM